Dr. Anthony Spitz, DPM
About 8% of American adults over the age of 21 have flat feet. Without proper management, flat feet may increase your risk of more serious foot-related health problems. At Foot Clinic, Anthony Spitz, DPM, proudly offers safe and effective treatment, including HyProCure®, for flat feet. To request your flat feet consultation today, call the office in Wheeling, Illinois, or click the online booking tool.
Flat Feet Q & A
Flat feet is a common condition that simply means your feet don’t have arches. If you have flat feet, the soles of your feet make direct contact with the ground every time you stand up or go for a walk.
You might have flat feet if your arches failed to develop during childhood. Other common causes of flat feet include wear-and-tear stresses that occur with aging and sports-related injuries.
No matter the underlying cause of flat feet, if they’re negatively affecting your quality of life, make an appointment at Foot Clinic today.
In their early stages, flat feet rarely present any obvious symptoms. However, as your flat feet get worse, you might experience foot pain in your heels or arches.
You may also notice that your pain gets worse with physical activity. Some people with flat feet also experience swelling or inflammation on the inside of their ankles.
Flat feet affect people of all ages, races, and genders, but there are certain factors that may increase your risk, including:
You’re also more likely to experience flat feet if you’ve suffered a previous foot or ankle injury such as a sprain or fracture
To diagnose flat feet, Dr. Spitz physically examines your feet and ankles. He looks at the mechanics of your feet and asks you to walk around and stand on your toes. Dr. Spitz also asks you about your symptoms and looks at the wear pattern on the bottom of your shoes.
If necessary, he might also order a series of X-rays or an MRI to get a closer look at the bones, joints, and soft tissues that make up your feet.
Treatment for flat feet depends on the underlying cause and severity of your symptoms. Dr. Spitz usually recommends conservative, noninvasive treatments such as arch supports, custom-made orthotics, or supportive shoes. He might also recommend stretching exercises or physical therapy.
During the procedure, Dr. Spitz makes a small incision and places a small titanium stent between the ankle and heel bones. The device realigns and stabilizes your hindfoot and moves your foot, ankle, hips, and knees back into proper alignment.
Don’t let flat feet prevent you from living an active, mobile lifestyle. Request an appointment with Foot Clinic today by calling the office or clicking the online booking tool
Office Hours:
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Every Other) 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Every Other) 10:00 am - 3:00 pm